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Mariño Lab

My research activity is fully integrated with Jonathan Fletcher’s Laboratory, as part of the Sarcoma Translational Research Unit in the Department of Pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Our research involves mutidisciplinary interactions with surgical pathologists (Drs. Christopher Fletcher, Jason Hornick and Leona Doyle), medical oncologists (Drs. George Demetri, Andrew Wagner, and Suzanne George, within the Sarcoma Program at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute), cytogeneticists (Dr. Paola Dal Cin), cytopathologists (Dr. Xiaohua Qian), pediatric pathologists (Dr. Antonio Perez-Atayde), oncologic surgeons (Dr. Chandrajit Raut), and biologists, biotechnologists and computational biologists (Drs. David Root, Glenn Cowley, Federica Piccioni, Mukta Bagul and colleagues at the Genetic Perturbations Platform at the Broad Institute).

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